My Portfolio

Bioinformatics Projects


(Differential Network Visualization in R) - a visualization library for R that facilitates insightful comparisons among multiple networks.

Available here

GCN Downstream

A collection of scripts written in R that analyzes topological differences in genetic co-expression networks and more easily analyzes trends in downstream DAVID analysis.

Available here

ICG Downstream

A collection of functions in R that assists in parsing and analyzing output from Giotto's Interaction Changed Genes functionality.

Available here

G Function Analysis

A series of R scripts, stitched together using a convenient snakemake pipeline, that analyzes and visualizes cell pair interactions based on the G-Function curve frequently used in ecology. This robust code package is often used by myself and my labmates.

Available here

Cell Interaction Graphs

Representation of cell-interaction trends as graphs. Classification into diagnosis groups using StellarGraph. Clustering into regions using Deep Graph Infomax.

Graph classification code available here

Spatial image analysis

Used weakly-supervized learning to classify regions of interest in whole slide biological images using CLAM. Used features generated from KimiaNet to predict spatial gene expression patterns using spatial random forest. Adapted both of these methods to work with images other than H&E slides.

H&E prediction code available here

Personal Projects

Music Complexity Analysis

Has music actually gotten simpler over the years? I investigate this, and much more, in this project using data from Ultimate Guitar and Last.FM. Web scraping with Beautiful Soup and interactive visualization using APEX charts.

Available here

Music Practice

Visualization of my practice history with the goal of identifying trends and making it easier to set & achieve my practice goals. Implemented using d3.js and plotly.js.

Available here

US Surnames

A basic web page which uses d3.js to more easily visualize, filter, and search US Census data on surname usage.

Available here

Reddit + MBTI

Does Reddit usage differ across personality types as defined by Myer Briggs Type Indicator? Using Kaggle data plus Subreddit classification info I scraped from Find A Reddit, I investigate this.

Web scraping process available here. Analysis coming soon to Kaggle.

Song Lyric Generation

Interface with Spotify API "Spotipy", web scraping from Genius, and a simple word-prediction dictionary to generate song lyrics based on songs within a provided playlist.

Available here

Haircare Product Usage

There are many brands and products out there geared toward textured (wavy, curly, and coily) hair, but which ones are preferred by which hair type — and which ones conquer common concerns like frizz, protein/moisture balance, and de-tangling? Using data obtained from relevant subreddits and Amazon product reviews, I compile a report of brands and products best based on these concerns.

Available here